Tradition Twelve states:

Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities.

We are committed to protecting your anonymity and privacy. This website does not store or use cookies on your or any other computer. Some of our content may be cached (or stored temporarily) on your computer by your browser. If you wish to remove this content from your machine, you will need to clear your browser’s cache or temporary internet files. Consider that this will also delete content related to other sites as well and may therefore affect how quickly these sites load on your computer. See your browser’s instructions or help files for more information on how and why to do this.

We neither ask for nor collect personal information from you in any form.

IP addresses are logged by our web server, but all server logs are permanently destroyed following generation of our monthly summary statistics. Be aware that your ISP, proxy, or firewall may be logging your internet accesses as a part of its normal operations. Please bear this in mind as you use our site.

If you send us email and expect a response, you will need to provide a return address. In all cases, emails are deleted from the webserver following the corresponding reply.

We do not currently use any SSL or other encryption technology to assure privacy of transmitted data. This is normal for most informational websites and should not, in general, be a concern.